The Black Sea’s Ebb and Flow

On the Interaction between a Regional System and the International System


  • Yunus Emre Ozigci Ozigci Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey





From its emergence onwards, the Black Sea as a regional system was shaped mainly through the internalisation of the international system, be it multipolar, bipolar or post-bipolar/unipolar. However, due to the regional build-up of the conttradictions inherent to post-bipolarity which outpaced the post-bipolar system’s own evolution, this process was reversed. With the Georgian and Ukrainian crises of 2008 and 2014, the regional context was externalised and had its own transformative impact on the post-bipolar international system. Ironically, the externalisation was followed by the peripheralisation of the region from the West’s perspective when the West had entered into a phase of return to collective defence and consolidation in its relations with Russia. This started a new, accelerated build-up of stresses in the Black Sea region, creating the circumstances of a new externalisation, that of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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S.Karaganov, T.Bordachev “Towards a New Euro-Atlantic Security Ar¬chitecture”,Valdai Discussion Club Confer¬ence, London,8-10 Dec.2009; Pouliot,op.cit.,pp94-147; Hall Gardner,NATO Expansion and US Strategy in Asia, Palgrave,NY, 2013,pp53-55;

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Wolff,op.cit.; Matthias Conrad, NATO-Russia Relations under Putin, LIT Verlag, Berlin 2011,pp59-77; J.Sherr, “Security in the Black Sea Region:Back to Realpolitik?”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 8(2) 2008,pp141-153

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Census data:


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see Nieto,op.cit.

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L.Simão, “The EU's Conflict Resolution Policies in the Black Sea Area”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 16(3) 2014,pp300-313; Nicu Popescu, Andrew Wilson, The Limits of Enlargement-Lite, ECFR London,2009

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Black Sea’s being a “European Sea”

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Angela Stent, US-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century, Princeton University Press 2014, pp135-158; Eugene B.Rumer, Russian Foreign Policy Beyond Putin, Routledge 2007,pp8-9

Gardner 2013,op.cit.,pp73-80; Ronald D.Asmus, A Little War That Shook The World, Palgrave McMillan, NY 2010

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The Foreign Policy Concept, National Security Concept and Military Doctrine ; ;

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K.Åtland, I.Kabanenko, “Russia and its Western Neighbours”, Europe-Asia Studies 2019,DOI:10.1080/09668136.2019.1690634

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Deborah Sanders, Maritime Power in the Black Sea., Ashgate, Burlington 2014; A.Klus, “The New Strategic Reality in the Black Sea” New Eastern Europe 22/April 2014

L.Savin, “Russian Security Frame for Black Sea Region”,Geopolitica 2017,

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Åtland, Kabanenko,op.cit.


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N.A.Arbatova, “Security Relations in the Black Sea Region”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(2) 2015,pp129-139

A.Legucka, “The NATO-Ukraine Relations after the Annexation of Crimea”, Ukraine Analytica 2(8) 2017,pp42-50; N.Mikhelidze, “NATO-Georgia Cooperation:A Rhetorical Engagement?”, Caucasus International 4(3-4) 2015,pp45-54

Lynch,op.cit.; M.Emerson, “The EU’s New Black Sea Policy” Eds. D.Hamilton, G.Mangott,op.cit.,pp225-276; Cichocki,op.cit.

L.Delcour, “Dealing with the Elephant in the Room:The EU, its Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia”, Contemporary Politics, 24(1) 2018,pp14-29; K.Wolczuk, “Convergence Without Finalité:EU Strategy Towards Post-Soviet States in the Wider Black Sea Region”, Eds. K.Henderson, C.Weaver,op.cit.,pp45-62; but also A.Vieira A., “Ukraine, Russia and the Strategic Partnership Dynamics in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2015,DOI:10.1080/09557571.2015.1093410.

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Como Citar

Ozigci, Y. E. . (2022). The Black Sea’s Ebb and Flow : On the Interaction between a Regional System and the International System. Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 26, 25–42.


