Environmental Histories of Mediterranean Fascisms


  • Marco Armiero
  • Roberta Biasillo
  • Paulo Guimarães


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Biografias Autor

Marco Armiero

Marco Armiero is Research Director at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean, CNR Italy. He has worked on the nationaliza- tion of nature, migrations and environment, and environmental justice. With his research, he has contributed to bridging environmen- tal humanities and political ecology. Armiero is the current president of the European Society for Environmental History.

Roberta Biasillo

Roberta Biasillo is an environmental his- torian and holds a Ph.D. in Modern Eu- ropean History from the University of Bari (Italy). She is Assistant Professor in Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Her main areas of expertise are territorial and forest issues in Modern Italy and colonial environmental history with a focus on North and East Africa. She has co-authored, with Marco Armiero and Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, the forthcoming book Mussolini’s Nature. An Environmental His- tory of Fascism (MIT Press, 2022).

Paulo Guimarães

Paulo Guimarães is a Senior Lecturer of Late Modern and Contemporary History at the Department of History, University of Évora (Portugal) and member of CICP Research Center in Political Science at the University of Minho (Portugal). Paulo Guimarães is a social and environmental his- torian and he is a member of the Portuguese Network of Environmental History. Currently, his main research interests cover environmental conflicts, labour environmentalism and utopian landscapes. He has published sev- eral papers and he edited a volume on environmental conflicts in mining, quarrying and metallurgical industries in the Iberian Peninsula. He is the author of "Elites and Industry in Alentejo (1890-1960): a study on economic behaviour of elite groups in regional context (Lisbon, 2005)" and of "Industry and Conflict in the Rural Milieu: The Miners of Alentejo (1858-1938)". His former works embraces a wide range of topics in social, political and economic history: from anarcho-syndicalism to credit and financial systems, from political violence to cultural institutions.


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Como Citar

Armiero, M., Biasillo, R. ., & Guimarães, P. (2022). Environmental Histories of Mediterranean Fascisms. Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 25, 9–16. Obtido de https://www.perspectivasjournal.com/index.php/perspectivas/article/view/3777


Vol. 25 (2021): his special issue aims to explore the en- vironmental dimension and engagement of Mediterranean fascist regimes inclusive of their colonial possessions. Methodologically, this has firstly implied to go beyond the narrow under- standing of environmental history as a discipline putting at the centre of its analysis natural or eco- logical elements and, secondly, to bridge environ- mental history with political and social history, and other historical subfields. Among the many themes touched in this volume, we would like to stress three more significant and overarching issues: reclamation as a material and ideological regeneration of people and places; modernity as the ideology through which fascist regimes em- ployed science and technology to create socio- ecologies at the service of their goals; and colo- nization (internal and external) as the concrete laboratory where reclamation and modernity were experimented as forms of control, regime-building, and oppression. Blending fascist studies and environmental history sounds like an unconventional scholarly enterprise. Seemingly, this is because the for- mer addresses complex and contradictory mix- tures of traditionalism, racial and scientific pos- itivism, anti-liberalism, corporatism, authoritari- anism, but also modernist ideologies and innova- tive forms of mass communication and mobiliza- tion. Whereas the latter is an academic discipline attentive to processes of natural depletion and conservation, and also considered quite progres- sive, we might argue. Even more than that, fascist studies and environmental history form an odd couple because the first line of enquiry is actually one of the most well-established areas of interest for historians of modern times, while the latter is often seen as a rather marginal or emerging field of studies, especially in the Mediterranean coun- tries. Finally, fascist and environmental histories form an unusual combination because according to traditional sub-disciplinary boundaries, envi- ronmental historians should not be concerned about themes like fascism. Quite the opposite, they should dedicate themselves to the confined niche of "the environment" (Armiero 2016). In this sense, our special issue questions the narrow understanding of "the environment" and propose a vision of our discipline not in terms of themes but rather of perspectives. The articles hosted in this special issue help clarify our vision. Not all of the authors would in fact define themselves environmental historians and, rather than checking disciplinary IDs at the borders of this special issue, we have opted for welcoming whoever was interested in looking at the fascist histories in their intertwining with nature and for learning from these mixed



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