Da Ordem Internacional à transição política da República Popular da China numa dinâmica autopoiética

From the International Order to the political transition of the People's Republic of China in an autopoietic dynamic


  • Marco António Martins Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics of University of Évora, Researcher of NICPRI.


People's Republic of China, Autopoiesis, Power, International Relations, Political Elite


It is a question of analyzing the People's Republic of China in conjunction with the characterization of the current international order in the systemic framework, based on Humberto Maturana's autopoiesis in the framework of the survival of the thirst for power, namely Communist Party of China (CPC) and ensuring the stability of the internal environment. It is also intended to understand the message contained and conveyed in President Hu Jintao's speech as part of the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the creation of the CPC (July 1, 2011).


Trata-se de analisar a República Popular da China em conjugação com a caracterização da atual ordem internacional no quadro sistémico, tendo por base a autopoiesis de Humberto Maturana no quadro da sobrevivência da sede de poder, leia-se Partido Comunista da China (PCC) e da garantia da estabilidade do ambiente interno. Pretende-se, igualmente, compreender a mensagem contida e transmitida no discurso do Presidente Hu Jintao no âmbito da comemoração do 90º aniversário da criação do PCC (01 de Julho de 2011).


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How to Cite

Martins, M. A. (2011). Da Ordem Internacional à transição política da República Popular da China numa dinâmica autopoiética: From the International Order to the political transition of the People’s Republic of China in an autopoietic dynamic. Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 7, 05–24. Retrieved from https://www.perspectivasjournal.com/index.php/perspectivas/article/view/433


